A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Cash Plus Program for Addressing Young Adult Homelessness


There is growing interest in direct cash transfers as a means of addressing poverty and housing instability. However, there is little research on such programs, particularly in the United States. This study evaluates the Trust Youth Initiative, a “cash plus” intervention for addressing young adult homelessness and bolstering housing and racial justice. Collaboratively developed by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Point Source Youth, Larkin Street Youth Services, and young adult partners with lived expertise, the TYI includes 24 months of unconditional direct cash transfers designed to support stable housing, along with optional, youth-driven supportive programming (e.g., peer support, housing navigation, and financial coaching). Enrollment has been completed and survey data is being collected. The evaluation will study housing, health, and human capital outcomes for at least 30 months following enrollment. It is also part of an emerging multi-site cohort of similar trials across the country.

Mike Cassidy
Mike Cassidy
Postdoc in Economics

Mike Cassidy is a postdoc in economics at Princeton University.
