A Randomized Controlled Trial on Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals Exiting Prison


More than half a million prisoners are released from state and federal prisons each year. Formerly incarcerated people are nearly ten times more likely to experience homelessness than the general population, and the risk is highest in the first two years after leaving prison. Permanent supportive housing (PSH), a popular housing-first strategy for achieving stability and independence among populations at risk of homelessness, provides affordable housing and support services to some 375,000 people in the United States each year, without time limits. In partnership with the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) in Ohio, we conduct the first randomized controlled trial of PSH for exiting prisoners at risk of homelessness. Outcomes of interest include criminal recidivism, housing stability, health, income, and employment. The RCT began enrollment during the summer of 2023.

Mike Cassidy
Mike Cassidy
Postdoc in Economics

Mike Cassidy is a postdoc in economics at Princeton University.
