Source Themes

Child Mental Health, Homelessness, and the Shelter System: Evidence from Medicaid in New York City

We identified children who resided in the New York City shelter system during 2015-2020 by matching address histories in Medicaid insurance claims to publicly available homeless shelter addresses, permitting examination of health care use before, …

Do Children's New Mental Health Conditions Spillover onto Parents and Siblings?”

There is growing recognition of the importance of mental health among children and youth and impacts on the affected individuals. However, little is understood about how the mental health experiences of children affect their siblings and parents. In …

School Proximity, Attendance, Stability, and Achievement among Homeless Students

More than one million students in the United States experience homelessness annually. Among their challenges is getting to school. This paper uses novel administrative data and a natural experiment in shelter scarcity to assess the effects of school …

A Randomized Controlled Trial on Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals Exiting Prison

More than half a million prisoners are released from state and federal prisons each year. Formerly incarcerated people are nearly ten times more likely to experience homelessness than the general population, and the risk is highest in the first two …

Prioritization of Homelessness Programming with the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless

The scoring system most commonly used to prioritize people experiencing homelessness for scarce housing and services—the Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT)—is widely seen as flawed. Using machine …

A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Cash Plus Program for Addressing Young Adult Homelessness

There is growing interest in direct cash transfers as a means of addressing poverty and housing instability. However, there is little research on such programs, particularly in the United States. This study evaluates the Trust Youth Initiative, a …

An Experimental Evaluation of Same Day Services for Public Transit Riders with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ACA) requires public transit agencies to provide comparable paratransit services to riders with disabilities. However, unlike fixed-route transit riders who can generally take trips on-demand, paratransit users …

Childhood Running, Academic Performance, and Health”

It has long been observed that individuals who participate in endurance sports also tend to excel intellectually. More broadly, young athletes, regardless of sport, tend to academically outperform their sedentary peers, and these educational …

Understanding Homelessness Using Administrative Data: Evidence from Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California, has the second largest homeless population in the United States and among the highest rates of unsheltered homelessness of any major city. Consequently, LA has enacted a number of expensive, high-profile policies to adddress …

Short Moves and Long Stays: Homeless Family Responses to Exogenous Shelter Assignments in New York City

Using an original administrative dataset in the context of a scarcity induced-natural experiment in New York City, I find that families placed in shelters in their neighborhoods of origin remain there considerably longer than those assigned to …